Promoting the Exchange of Information
The Cornea Society produces a scientific journal, Cornea: The Journal of Cornea and External Disease, each month, as well as the quarterly Cornea Society News.
Our Publications
Cornea Journal
The Cornea Society sponsors and supports Cornea: The Journal of Cornea and External Disease. Initially published by Raven Press, Inc., with Frank M. Polack, MD, as the founding editor, the journal has grown in scientific quality, circulation, and stature. Currently published monthly by Wolters Kluwer Health, the present Editor-in-Chief is Reza Dana, MD, MSc, MPH. In 1998, the name of the journal was altered to include the subtitle "The Journal of Cornea and External Disease" in an effort to reflect the disciplines encompassed by the journal and the interests of its readers. Cornea currently enjoys a steadily enhanced citation index and is recognized as the journal of record of the subspecialty of cornea and external disease.
Cornea Society News
The Cornea Society publishes a quarterly newsletter, Cornea Society News, featuring Society updates, meeting reporting, and the latest clinical, industry, and research news.